The sci-fi genre has changed alot over the years, it's changed from the deep thought provoking sci-fi of the older generation to the CGI explosion fests that mostly grace the silver screen today. The modern sci-fi usually consits of robots punching each other which is of course very intelectually stimulating. Moon is not like this at all and is just simply amazing. It is a iflm which gets just about everything spot on, it may be a film with the feel of the past but it's the kind of film you want to see more of in the future.
The concept of moon is deceptivly simple, it is the future and man kind depends on the moon's resources for their energy needs. This new found energy keeps Earth in a prosperous state but there is a cost, for one man at least. Sam Bell (brilliantly played by Sam Rockwell) is on a three year contract on the moon where he keeps check on all the machinary and apparatus that keeps the energy coming from the moon. The catch here is that Sam Bell is all by himself, alone on the moon for three years. Well not quite alone, he is accompanied by a computer with the voice of Kevin Spacey called GERTY, a computer programmed to service all of Sam's needs. Although sam has GERTY for company he definately suffers deep problems brought about by extreme isolation. His contact with Earth is next to nothing, he cannot establish a signal in order to have a live conversation with Earth but he can send off messages and recieve them back but this is of course limited.
The film relies soley on Sam Rockwell's performance for he plays the only real part in the film, luckily he plays it brilliantly. Every moment of despair, every character flaw and every glimmer of hope is conveyed masterfully making Sam Bell one of the most believable characters in cinema full stop. The film just has a human feel to it which makes this sci-fi moon based film ironically feel very down to Earth....