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Heavy Rain

Yesterday I finished my investigation into the Origami Killer and I feel that he/she was truly brought to justice. I managed to get the super happy ending and got the trophy for having all four characters alive in the first level. All in all the game was just amazing, the action scenes are really beyond anything I've played for a while and there were so many just fantastic moments. So I loved the game, the whole experience was just astounding, the atmosphere was spectacular and the story is really great but has some plot holes which are mostly forgivable. The game only has a few flaws, every now and then the near perfect animations don't look quite so good and some just look a little bad (that's not common at all though). The walking controls are not good and some of the camera angles when walking around are not great, even when you change them. However as soon as the game does the moving for you and lets you just quick time event away it just becomes phenomenal. All the button prompts are intelligently placed and the things you have to do always seem to fit the situation. The game really tests your reflexes and it's reasonably forgiving about it (one missed button won't kill you straight away and if you're doing a simple thing like say opening a cupboard you can try again if you fail) but missed prompts can have consequences. Not all of them do but the one you miss could be the one that gives your character an injury for the rest of the day or makes the game harder or every now and then, kills you.

The bottom line is Heavy Rain is like nothing else, it's more emotionally involving than any game I've played and it can be extremely exciting and tense. It uses the interactive nature of gaming perfectly and should not be missed. It has some rough edges and some people have some silly complaints with voice acting, which isn't always fantastic but it's not really bad, but honestly the game is simply fantastic; go and play it!