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Kick-Ass and Mass Effect 2

First of all, I saw Kick-Ass today, I had kind of low expectations going in and I was just blown away. The film is just fantastic, a definate 5/5, it's just hilarious and the action is stylish and plan awesome. Everything about the film just rocks, also it has Nicholas Cage in it, who I hate, and he was fantastic; his character was just hilarious. The film comes highly recommended! Also it has lots of nerdy references in it to other films and a few games, there is a bloodrayne poster I think I saw, there is a great Layer Cake reference (a film I just love) and at the beginning the film now showing at the cinema they go to is 'The Spirit 3', which I found hilarious. Man the Spirit is a terrible movie.

Also today I bought Mass Effect 2, I will be playing it a lot tonight :D.