My copy of Deus Ex: Human Revolution came today and I've already sunk some time into it, so far it's excellent and I can't wait to play more. However, before I do that I thought I would share some stories about the fun I have been having with my very own Adam Jensen. When playing games, I enjoy griefing the systems somewhat, basically doing silly things to undermine what the game is telling me. For example in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood I would get a mission to 100% synchronisation so that the game told me I did the mission exactly as Ezio did it, and then make sure I killed a civilian or two so that I could take glee in the game being forced to tell me that I completed the mission just like Ezio did. It seems Ezio is a jerk. Adam Jensen is a bit of a jerk to it seems, don't let his overly nice speech options fool you. Jensen is a sociopath that has problems with authority and a fascination with corpses.
I'm going to keep this pretty spoiler free so forgive me the use of very vague terms. In the first proper mission you deal with a corpse and are told by your superior to leave the corpse alone, don't tamper with it, and other things along those lines in order for you not to tamper with evidence and so that you can carry on with your mission. Now it turns out Jensen doesn't like being told what to do and directly disobeyed this order. Instead of leaving the body he picked it up and threw it under a desk. This wasn't enough for him though; he then looted the corpse out of morbid curiosity (because Adam loves quickly frisking a cadaver). Finally he picked up a few cardboard boxes, and piled them on top of the corpse, hiding it from view. Only then was he satisfied and continued with his work.
After his stealthy operation was over (which he got praise for from his co-workers for doing so with very little bloodshed) Adam went for a walk around town. All this pacifism had left him with an itchy trigger finger so he found a deserted alleyway and picked a fight with some hobos. A fight he easily won, however the hobos were rather persistent and Adam's reputation for being light on killing was quickly ruined. Luckily though, the police don't care about hobos and this particular slaughter went unnoticed and unpunished. Adam then proceeded to break into a person's house and hack their computer and shoot a house guest. Admittedly the house guest shot first, and he wasn't a guest as such but an armed bandit hoping to kill the home owner. So in a way, Adam did good!
Emboldened by further success Adam carried on with his missions. This one was a trip to the police station. He guilt tripped an old work buddy into letting him enter a restricted area, putting his buddy's job on the line, and proceeded to cause chaos. Jensen enjoyed crawling around vents that lead into offices and surprising their occupants and hacking their computers if they weren't in. This became boring quickly and Adam remembered the joys of secret murder. He broke into more offices- by crawling of course- and killed the occupant whilst the office door was locked and nobody could see. He then dragged the body into the vent and crawled away to the next office. It was also at this point where he found a large cardboard box... Which he threw at a police officer. The officer decided this was a crime worthy of death; he sounded the alarm and shot at Adam. Adam dispatched him with ease but more were on their way. Luckily the officers were very thick and looked everywhere but the corridor he was standing in.
Adam needed a break from his tomfoolery, so continued with the mission at hand. A trip to the morgue. He completed the mission as requested, but was too tempted by the corpse of a person he'd killed laying there in the morgue. It was only him and a doctor in the morgue so Adam did what any sane man would do. Picked up the corpse and repeatedly hit the doctor with it. The doctor called the alarm, but for some reason the soldiers refused to enter the morgue... Out of respect for the dead it seems. So Adam waited until the soldiers (on the other side of a glass door) thought he had left. He then walked out of the building free as a bird, and blackmailed a police officer on the way out.
It was a very good day.
I think you can tell by now that Adam Jensen is slightly unhinged and that I should not play games that allow me to have this kind of freedom. Also I am really loving the game so far!