Why did Christian Bale's character, Patrick Bateman, in "American Psycho" say that all the time? He said it like 10 times during the whole movie! :x I also think he didn't really kill all those people....
Remember when he went back to the apartment and it was all clean, no bodies or blood on the walls? I think it was all in his imagination....that's why they showed his secretary looking through his planner with all those drawings.....he also blew up two cop cars by shooting at them with a handgun :|
That's just my take on it....it's a 7 year old movie (soon to be 8 years old) so if I spoiled it for you somehow, you phail. :P :|
Now on to football....if you've seen my sig then you know how the season opener ended...The Colts dominated the second half! :o The game was pretty interesting and tense the first half, ending at 10-10 at half time....
Then I don't know what happened to the Saints....losing by 31 points isn't a good way to start the season :( I like them....but the Colts have always been my team :P
I also leik Pretty Ricky :|
[spoiler] Not used to me making these kinds of blogs huh? Get used to it, it's football season people! [/spoiler]