@Aaronp2k Sorry I misread. I think his point was the game is boring, and doesn't dare to break the mold therefore the conformist view to making games shouldn't be encouraged also people buying there ps4 fresh, and having this last gen game to play won't be happy. Maybe in 10 years when people look back they will say this game was underrated. In fact i'm pretty sure they will but as of now it's disappointing. The ps4 as of now is being overwhelmed in the millions by new people to the playstation brand and the software isn't there.
@Aaronp2k @steve4123456789 Yes idi ot but no game yet has the merit to upgrade a system over. You would buy a ps4 or xbox one to play last gen games i'm afraid you're handicap.
@pip3dream @steve4123456789 @justbefahad No mans sky was made by a bunch of guys in there basement in the poor area of london. Yet there outperforming still.
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