steve8179's forum posts
just talked to a friend of mine he said they are 49.99 on amazon also eb game and gametop on wed. it is also showing 49.99 at
now that that microsoft has discontinued the hd dvd player for the 360 and it is only 50 dollars at major retailers.
link for best buy
is it worth getting ? does anyone know how long the studios are gonna make the hd dvds for .
any new items confirmed for release today on the psn
ok i heard about the 90$ ce of gta4 which includes a soundtrack and a gta4 backpack but it is gonna cost 90 dollars
having been burnt with the last ce version of games i have purchased (spiderman 3 the biggest one) . are these games worth the extra 10 20 or 30 dollars i dont think so. im gonna stop dumping extra cash into these ce editions i think the game companies r gonna keep making them unless we stop buying them am i the only one feeling ripped off.
my wife is a manager at a independant video rental chain in our home state and last friday while i was waiting for here to get off i was in the office reading this trade magazine they get it said sony was playing around with the idea of releasing spiderman 1 and 2 on blu ray only as part of a trilogy set and it will be the only way to get the first 2 on bluray i will go by my wifes job later to day and see if i can get the name of the magazine and a date i will also see if they have a website it is a magazine that deals with dvd for rental places i just cant remember the name of it
is there or is there an official or unofficial ps3 magizine some one told me psm is going out of buisness is that true
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