It seems to be a long time since I last done a conventional blog. The Alien Trilogy feedback station doesn't count, either. In fact, it's not just my blog - in fact I've been fairly inactive on GameSpot itself. But that's all resolved now, the weekend is over, and things are back to normal (by any lengths - how people close to me can refer to my life as "normal", I'm not sure)
It's been fairly uneventful down here, anyway, so there's not much to say, regardless of how long I've been gone. The weather is absolutely great down here at the moment, and after a 1500m run today at school (and a time of 5 minutes, 18 seconds) I had a diabolical headache. About halfway through the run it felt like my heart was pounding in my skull.
And, yeah, a new profile banner; Insinuendo made it, and it's top-notch stuff. I ask for a simple banner featuring Yoda, and "StevenScott14's Profile" in Star Wars lettering, and I receive a brilliant all-out Star Wars-themed berserker of an image! So I'd just like to say thanks to Insinuendo, simply awesome.
And, thanks for the Alien Trilogy review feedback. People elsewhere have been commenting that I'm a few years late reviewing the game, but I thought of reviewing a game that not everyone knows and/or cares about, just to see if I can actually persuade somebody with a Saturn to maybe pick the game up on eBay for cheap. Hopefully it intrigued some people out there, I think I was the second person on GameSpot to review it.
And that's about it for now, so I'll leave it there... may the Force be with you, fellow GameSpot users.