Tomorrow is the day I've been waiting for for months. The last day of this school term, and the beginning of the Easter holidays. This isn't just any Easter holiday though - on April 12th (6 days from now) I'll be leaving for America for 3 weeks. It's gonna be great.
But, while the mediocrity of school lasts, tomorrow I have a final Maths assessment I'm pretty confident about, given my last 90% result... so a bit of revision is in order right after I've written this blog post.
On the gaming front, I've been playing Unreal Tournament 2004 all day. Most of it has been single-player; for the record, it's mostly been improving my squad by challenging other teams' for their members. I got Mokara from the FireStorm team (look away now if you're not interested in 2k4) which improved our overall accuracy score... which was desperately needed, seeing as the rest of my team can't aim. It would be so cool if you could take your squad online and pit them against other people's squads... :D
On the GameSpot front, it's been the same old same old... I've been trying to get the Active Duty badge back for All-Around Gaming, but so far, my efforts have been for naught. I did, however, promote two great people to Officer rank today; NeoJedi and insinuendo, who have both been dedicated to the Union for a while now, and I'm confident they'll do well in their new positions. Kudos to you guys.
And where the hell are these re-designed reviewer badges?!? They better be more rewarding this time, because if they're done by numbers again I'll think I'll have to make sixteen blog posts raving about them. (Only kidding lol ;) ) Not sure if they'll be based on recommendations, but I think that's still a bit of a dodgy idea... I dunno, maybe they'll just get rid of them altogether.
In my Music class, we got to randomly play our own instruments, so I grabbed my guitar (Fender copy :( ) went on the computers got onto Ultimate Guitar, and printed out the Halo 2 theme tablature. I learnt it there, for an hour and a half, focused on my guitar and nothing else, not even the gangsta music somebody had felt inclined to blare out of the CD player. (I hate gangsta rap, just to let you know)
At this point, I could go on and on. But that's enough selflessly talking about myself, so I'm just going to shut up, drop my faithful guitar I'm aimlessly playing Black Sabbath's Iron Man on, and go and do some good old revision for my Maths assessment tomorrow. Wish me luck, guys.
And oh yeah, I changed my avatar. It's pretty nice.