So, unless something gets in the way again, BlackOwl's second UT2004 clan match against XL is tonight, where the clans shall shake hands, wish each other luck, and blow the hell out of each other repeatedly. And again, just like two weeks ago, I and NeoJedi shall be locking and loading against the two representatives of XL, Satan and FlySwatter.
Actually, I'm pretty confident about this one. Exactly two weeks ago, after much looking for servers, the two clans faced each other and BlackOwl prevailed, due to I and NeoJedi's simply 1337 skillz... and I'm sure we can do it again later. I'm not much of an analytical person but I'm pretty sure what tactics and strategies the other two use and they both strike me as jumpy, agile players, who like to dodge flak only to find a shrapnel bomb heading towards their face anyway. Luckily, I'm exactly the same, so this leads to many fledgling firefights with lots of ballerina-esque leaping and bullet-avoiding that usually result in all players running out of ammunition and resulting to the assault rifle's final few grenades to try and make the opposition trip up. And apparently, I'm meant to "carry NeoJedi's @$$" again... I call it underestimation of one's skills, but okay, so be it. Sure, let Psycho do all the work.
Unfortunately, Psycho can't do all the work, at least not yet. If you check my Xfire profile at this moment in time, I have less than 1 hour counted this week, and I had just about no hours the week before that. So I am extremely low on skills at the moment... and Half-Life 2's aiming system really doesn't help now that its branded into my brain. Garry's Mod is also making me press Q to spawn stuff mid-game, greeting me with the sight of my translocator. How nice. So straight after this blog, I'm off to take to the servers and blow up some fellow Deathmatchers. Yummy.
And hopefully, TH3 FRANCH1SE Productions (read: AndyWilliams24) will be capturing it all on video and narration will follow in the form of Ezra1, using his recently acquired headset to give commentary when needed, without annoying the four noble warriors shooting the f**k out of each other. Or at least, I hope he won't annoy the four noble warriors shooting the f**k out of each other... will you, Ezra? No, I didn't think so. :twisted:
Thank you for reading this pre-match rant.
- scott