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GS Anniversary! *throws confetti*

 Wow. I'm now entering my 7th month on GS. What a memorable 7 months it has been, hm? I've made so many great friends on here, way too many to name, but I'll try nontheless:- NeoJedi, Ryle_Boy, Nodham, Insinuendo, NeonNinja, Darkskyer, Stevencompton, UnlivedPhalanx, theR34p3R, Grambyte, Meggido, Guisepppe, Usagi704, Hart704, Willdyer10, MrCHUP0N, KnightsOfRound, DuffManX, ChimneySmoke, SpeedTrap, Cheesebob57, RedPanther, Andyt66, C0deZero, GadgetMan, Guuthulhu, Toms115, Nascarnetboggy, OddballTECH, soadrock2, ShenLongBo, Draqq, DrFish62, bbbourb, Thorpe89, DrummerX, Commandokiller...

 That is one long list... wow... My apologies if I missed anyone out of this list, my head is kinda blurry after all that name-reeling-off. There's even some friends in real life I introduced this site to: AndyWilliams24, ChrisFoulkes4, and RhysPrice11, all great guys, how would I get through school without you? :P

 It's been a great 7 months, and I have to thank you guys for that. Nobody else could have made my stay here more enjoyable. :)

 And oh yeah, thanks for all the feedback on the Super Smash Bros Melee review, guys!

 I also made a vblog, uploaded it, and was just about to tell you guys to come on over when I discovered it was too long. Wtf?! Crappy FreeWebs account, you deserve to die!!

 And one last thing. 6/6/06 tomorrow - the sign of the devil! So, yeah, I'm getting a bit superstitious, but still, it's pretty weird.