Yes, I know its not a video blog, but its still a very enjoyable video. Or, at least I hope so. Above you is a random montage of Half-Life 2: Garrys Mod clips set to a tune called Citizen Erased, it was the best song I could find to fit this seven-minute epic of a video. At first it was Radiohead's Paranoid Android, then I thought about Guns N Roses's November Rain, but November Rain is of course too long ;) and Paranoid Android just didn't "fit" as well as Citizen Erased does.
If you like sick, twisted videos depicting sick, twisted events, then no doubt you will enjoy. And, btw, this video is quite old, so I'm still called the Gmod default name. Meh, I think its a cool name anyway. If you don't know waht it is, then I'm not going to tell you, I would get moderated, but lets just say its a pretty darn funny name for a n00b. :P beats "player" anyway.
Video blog will be here soon, I assure you. I just need to sort out the appalling quality.
EDIT: My dad's best friend came to our house today to install a new cooling system in my computer that he'd bought for no reason. And I said "thanks for the cooling system, dude." And then he gave me his guitar. For free. I mean, what a great guy, I get a computer upgrade and a new guitar.
Teh picz: (Sorry for the appalling picture quality)
^^ Thats the guitar I got - a Hohner Telecaster.
^^ My new Telecaster together with my copied Fender Stratocaster by a manufacturer called Spider.
^^ All three of my guitars. The middle is a Falcon Dreadnought acoustic.
Cool day, all in all. :P