OK, maybe sleep deprivation actually worsens the jetlag, as it turns out.
I haven't had decent sleep since last year, to be honest with you. :P Every night since I've been back has been spent awake, playing a game of some sort. I go back to school on Monday, so it's not the healthiest of things to do. Aaah well, it's been fun anyway.
I'm not going into detail as to the games I'm playing, though - you already know what they are, thanks to past blogs and the Now Playing list that GameSpot so thoughtfully provides. I'll just update you all on the coolezt events in my gaming exploits in the last few days.
I'm at the very end of my Expert quest in Guitar Hero - yeah, I've hit Bark at the Moon, and, predictably, it's beating the crap out of me. Evil song. The highest I've got is something like 88% ... which isn't too bad, but it's so darned evil that I get 63% every other try. I always fail on this one part in the solo ... but never mind, I'll get there in the end. Then I've gotta 5 star everything... that's 28 SONGS to 5 star. I only 5 starred two, if you do the math. Aaah dammit.
I also played some CounterStrike: Source last night with jimb0, ezra1, and Slunks - pretty fun, but Battlefield surpasses CounterStrike in my opinion. CounterStrike is a lot smaller in its scope, it's less tactical (in my opinion, anyway) and there aren't dropships and walkers everywhere, but it is still a horrendously addictive game - there's always this 'one-more-round' thing that keeps you going and going and going. Plus, there's always the fact that when you're a total noob you have to prove to everyone else that you're dangerous than they might have thought. Well, that's what I TRIED to do anyway. But failed. A game definitely meant to be enjoyed with familiars and friends, not with the hacking nooby aimbotting strangers you'll usually find on there. ;)
And finally, I got to play some Diablo II with houtx! We both started new characters - a paladin for Travman, and a druid for I, and we did the first quest (Den of Evil) like complete nutters. That's mainly due to the fact that I got my sorceress in the game (act 5, but still only Level 27) to put 4,000 gold on the ground so me and Trav could buy some decent gear free of charge (free of charge for paladin and druid, not for my ever-so-glad-to-help sorceress) I guess that could be called foul play, but hey, when you can buy 1337 armour when you haven't so much has killed any Fallen yet... I'm in. And then we went and dealt out the ownage. The druid is a new class to me, so transforming into a werewolf is freaking awesome and having a raven pecking the faces of Diablo's minions... it's a sight to behold, I tell ye. :D
And of course, there's been the aforementioned Battlefield. DrummerX and I have had a few great games, as I think I've mentioned somewhere above... or not - but either way we've had a lot of fun with the game so far. DrummerX is a recon dude if I remember rightly, so that means a lot of sniping for him. There are a LOT of camping spots and high ground in the game, so its a doddle for recon soldiers to just get themselves up a ladder and start firing at targets who THINK they are hiding but have just forgot the fact that there could well be watchers from above.
Me? I'm a support and assault type of guy, they are my favourite two classes by a mile - I've never liked the patience for recon and I've never liked the fact that engineers are heavily relied on to destroy walkers and gunships, so a character class that can mould into my playing style is well worth a go. I like to take things pretty slow, I like to play things methodically - but I still get shot down anyway, I get back up, I wash, rinse, repeat. Assault and support don't really have any guidelines, which is why I like them - you can practically do whatever you want with them and you still won't necessarily be doing something wrong.
I also had a game or two with houtx last night after those hasty lag-filled rounds of Diablo II - again, fun, but we managed to find a server filled with either higher-level players or aimbotters. Either way, they freaking owned us. :P It was my favourite map, though, Fall of Berlin - and let's just say being capped about eleven times in a row really capitalises the feeling that virtual war is also hell. Well, virtual war is a different kind of hell in the way that you're not writhing on the ground in the snow with a gun in your hands frozen to the bone, but your character still is... but nevertheless, it's still hell.
Anyway, I'll have a review up for Elite Beat Agents soon, so keep a-your eyes open!
See ya!