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Music is my radar

 Music is my radar - that's the title in today's rather... um... musical... blog post. Mainly because my head is buzzing with tracks from all my favourite bands - I haven't stopped Media Player since this morning... I have literally not moved from my bedroom all day (except for when I went out this afternoon for about an hour). I've been packing my things for America for when I leave on Wednesday, I've been playing a lot of Unreal Tournament 2004 single-player, and a bit of ToCA 3. Weather has been disgusting (hailstones galore) so there's my excuse.

 I did find the time to buy 4 new CD's when I went out this afternoon that were missing from my quickly-growing collection. They are now all on my mp3 player ready to go to America -

 Muse - Origin of Symmetry & Absolution - I bought them both. They might be a little weird to some people, and some people will hate the frontman Matthew Bellamy's voice, but to me they are a seriously awesome band. If you haven't yet heard them then you should check out this Google video, which is their amazing song Stockholm Syndrome performed Live at the Rock Am Ring. Awe-inspiring from beginning to end.

 Blur - Greatest Hits - Some of you will know Blur as the band who did the "Whoo-hoo" song. Some of you won't even know them at all, in which case you should check out the live performance of Song 2 (yes, the Whoo-hoo song)

 And... Gorillaz- Demon Days. I usually despise hip-hop music, but this is one slick electronica album from one great animated band. Haven't heard them? :roll: check out Clint Eastwood, arguably their best song yet.

 Now you must be fed up of all these videos (if you actually took the time to watch the damn things, and if you didn't, at least check out the awesome Stockholm Syndrome) I suppose I'll shut up and go listen to my mp3 player.

 Thanks for tuning in to this largely pointless blog post.