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Trigger Finger

 I come of age soon.

 I'm coming into realization that I will soon be past GameSpot's labouring "teens" as I hereby refer to them, and I'll be in the safety of Level 20, "Metal Slime."

 Problem is, it's going to take two long and suffering-filled months to get through Level 20. Darn.

 Meh... I don't care. I hate being a Gitaroo Man anyway.

 So, yeah, I'm not about to throw a laborious blog entry into a farty little paragraph declaring an obvious fact that "I'LL BE LEVEL 20 SOON! OMG! W00T!" You know how much I hate blogs like that? Well then. "Trigger Finger." Quite a transparent blog title today, and in it, I'll make use of what writing skills I have and I'll type out a lengthy tale of pointless nonsense instead of a meagre sentence proclaiming my proximity to Level 20. Okay?

 Trigger Finger. Who has gained any insight into the title yet? Hm? Who can tell me what gaming genre I'm likely to be talking about?


 Darn. Ye know too much.

 So, seeing as you're all intelligent enough to have comprehended that much, I think I'll launch into my speech, then. If you're bothered enough about my current game habits to have looked at my Now Playing, then you'll see that there is in fact three FPS games there that are absorbing my free time.

 Halo Combat Evolved

 Well, yeah. I've finally finished the game on Normal difficulty and I'm about to start playing online, if there are any souls left shooting the brains out of everyone, and if so, then this will be a pleasant PC diversion from the usual Onslaught mode of Unreal Tournament 2004.

 I've reviewed the game now, as you already know, and a hefty (by my standards) 8.7 was awarded to it, so... yeah, it's a great game, and if you don't own an Xbox, then you really can't go wrong with experiencing an only slightly inferior version.

 Metroid Prime Hunters

 Who ever comprehended, or even thought for one moment, that a first-person shooter could turn out so well on the DS? Well, if you have randomly decided to get some sleep deprivation, then the most enjoyable way to go about this pointless task is to take Hunters to bed and play some multiplayer against the bots.

 The single-player is also a very good way to pass the time. Sure, the boss battles repeat, and there are a few flaws in the overall level design, but I find the sense of exploration to be a great addition to an otherwise painfully linear game. Yup. That's all I have to say on that one.

 Unreal Tournament 2004

 And well. Need I say more? The piece de resistance. Unreal Tournament 2004 is a tour de force in PC shooting, and there's a lot of games to choose from in that category - no mean feat.

 Seriously, the Onslaught mode can dominate your life. I'm struggling to keep the game at a minimum, so that my social life is not consumed, but it just keeps me coming back. It's crazy.

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3


 Okay. A rollercoaster simulator is hardly an FPS, but hey? Why not dig it out the FPS-smothered gaming cupboard of mine and take a nice departure from all the killing, murderizing, assaulting, and slaying?

 Needless to say, after a few hours playing, you wouldn't want to get me as a real-life rollercoaster engineer.

 Unless you want the guests' faces to get ripped off by a horrendous amount of G-Force. And even if they survive that there's always a sickeningly twisted stomach to account for, and maybe a few cracked ribs.

 And that's all I have to say, really.

 And now you know that, even if I do upgrade to LameSpot Plus, I won't do video blogs. My voice would die before I finished speaking.