steveroe29 Blog
Man this girl!
by steveroe29 on Comments
This girl was checking me out about 4 days ago and she was hot! So the next day I wen't to the my local pizza place and there she is sitting alone eating pizza. I wen;t over and we had some small talk and I asked for her phone number and I got it. I called her yesterday and she said she just moved here. So I kept talking she seemd to be the first hot and nice girl I have ever seen. She likes both girl and guy stuff. we liked the same shows but she doesn't like rap and my friend almost blew my chance with her:evil: e kept annoying her and he cursed her out and was a total ahole she left the room looking pissed I calmed her down and I apoligized for my friend and she said it was my fault. But if he did blow my chance with here I would have kicked his A$$ even though he was my first friend since I moved to New York 6 years ago. I learend something yesterday never let these two be in the same room togehter.
I just got ping pong and Dead Or Alive 4
by steveroe29 on Comments
I mean table tennis they are both really good games but my little cousin plays it so much I don't get the chance. Table Tennis is a pick up and play kind of game. Its like an easier version of Top Spin. DOA 4 I have had for a while but don't play it that much its very similar to DOA3. Haven't wacthed much TV these last couple of weeks haven't done much but studying for tests go one tomorow and friday and got tests monday through wedsday
The summer is really close there are good things and bad things about it. A good thing it is hot and no school. The bad thing is that nothing but bad games come out in the summer except Madden and NCAA football but this summer Prey is coming out so hopefully that will change. I got to go to Miami to see my close relatives (mom,dad,brother) Im also going to Puerto Rico for a family reunion so i am going to be all over the place this summer. Hopefully I will get to meet some hot girls over there because all the hot girls at my school are taken. I also have to see a Daddy Yankee concert with my Cousins in Puerto Rico. This is going to be a fun summer for me.
Song of the week/ Game of the month
by steveroe29 on Comments
Im going to start doing this so I could rise up more levels faster and to give my opiunon more The song if the week is drum rolls.................. Cali is active it doesn't sound very good the first time but its a great song if you give it a chance saw the video on BET when I was channel surfing. The game of the month is Fight Night Round 3 for the 360 the graphics are unbelievable and the Carerr mode is great too. Also I can't wait for Ice Cube's album a rap legend like him should go out with a bang.
good news and bad news
by steveroe29 on Comments
The Most Annoying Person I know
by steveroe29 on Comments
Why 50 cent **** even though he is the most popular rapper
by steveroe29 on Comments
Almost everyone who is not 12 years old should know that 50 cent sucks but I am going to give my opinion anyway. he reason why 50 cent is so popular is because he is a mainsteam artist. I can't even call him a rapper because to me he is not a rapper. The reason why he is so popular is because he broke to the mainstream and people like his beats. I don't like him because 1 He got rid of The Game because he knew The Game was a better rapper, 2 He does the same thing in all of his singles which is saying the same thing for most of the song. Atleast he knows he can't rhyme. But the one thing I hate more than 50 cent is all of his fans because most of them don't know anything about real rappers! For example there is this kid that I live near, everyday I hear him sing various 50 cent songs. He says that he knows everything about rap. I ask him to name any other rappers and he could name only one Tony Yao. I asked him to name any other members in G-unit and he couldn't name 1. Thats an example of most of 50's fans are like. I can name 10 rappers off the top of my head that are better rappers than 50 but they are payed less and if anyone disagrees they are just like that kid that I described before.
2 day war on Halo 2
by steveroe29 on Comments
I cant play the battlefield 2 demo
by steveroe29 on Comments
I downloaded tyhe battlefield 2 demo but for some reason I cant play
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