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I just got ping pong and Dead Or Alive 4

I mean table tennis they are both really good games but my little cousin plays it so much I don't get the chance. Table Tennis is a pick up and play kind of game. Its like  an easier version of Top Spin. DOA 4 I have had for a while but don't play it that much its very similar to DOA3.  Haven't wacthed much TV these last couple of weeks haven't done much but studying for tests go one tomorow and friday and got tests monday through wedsday

The summer is really close there are good things and bad things about it. A good thing it is hot and no school. The bad thing is that nothing but bad games come out in the summer except Madden and NCAA football but this summer Prey is coming out so hopefully that will change. I got to go to Miami to see my close relatives (mom,dad,brother) Im also going to Puerto Rico for a family reunion so i am going to be all over the place this summer. Hopefully I will get to meet some hot girls over there because all the hot girls at my school are taken. I also have to see a Daddy Yankee concert with my Cousins in Puerto Rico. This is going to be a fun summer for me.