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Man this girl!

This girl was checking me out about 4 days ago and she was hot! So the next day I wen't to the my local pizza place and there she is sitting alone eating pizza. I wen;t over and we had some small talk and I asked for her phone number and I got it. I called her yesterday and she said she just moved here. So I kept talking she seemd to be the first hot and nice girl I have ever seen. She likes both girl and guy stuff. we liked the same shows but she doesn't like rap and my friend almost blew my chance with her:evil: e kept annoying her and he cursed her out and was a total ahole she left the room looking pissed I calmed her down and I apoligized for my friend and she said it was my fault. But if he did blow my chance with here I would have kicked his A$$ even though he was my first friend since I moved to New York 6 years ago. I learend something yesterday never let these two be in the same room togehter.