The Most Annoying Person I know
by steveroe29 on Comments
There is this kid that annoys everybody at my school. His name is Jackson. He thinks he is tough when he is really a baby. He is short has glases, a really high picthed voice and he says ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh all the time. He is so annoying that even his friends get annoyed all the time and he tells on people!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once he turned off my friend's computer when he was playing games in the computer room when we were supose to do a research paper and my friend took his head and face planted it on the keyboard and he didn't look hurt and my friend did't try to do it hard and Jackson cried!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a baby and everybody laughed. My friend got suspended because Jackson made it into a big deal. He is so annoying! Do or did you have to deal with a person as annoying as Jackson?