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Call of Duty 2

Burnout 3: Takedown

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

X-Men Legends

Super Mario 64 DS

TimeSplitters: Future Perfect


The Sims Bustin' Out

Donkey Kong Jungle Beat

Need for Speed Underground Rivals

Ape Escape: On the Loose

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Devil May Cry 3

Retro Atari Classics

Ridge Racer

Call of Duty 2
Best 360 game out there
Call of Duty 2 is an unbeliveable experience. It puts you in the shoes of a Russian soldier defending Russia and going through Stalingrand a British soldier going through Egypt and a american soldier going through D-day ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
New Super Mario Bros.
Best Mario game since Mario 64
New Super Mario Bros has a mixture if old and new school gameplay of past Mario games. It has 80 levels but you have to go back into the game after you beat it to play half of them. If you loved the old school Mario gam... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Burnout 3: Takedown (Platinum Hits)
only racing game I liked
burnout 3 is the racing/;battle game for the xbox and ps2 I never played the other two but since it was criticaly aclaimed I decided to check it out and Have to say now I know why it won best xbox game from gamespot it ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack
makes the best part of halo 2 even better
A whlie ago I gave halo 2 an 8.6 because of the repetitve areas and gameplay well when I got this I thought that it would be no different from the earlier maps but I was wrong it brings variety to the game with the maps ... Read Full Review
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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
though it not the ultimante jedi experience it is still a great game
Star wars eisode 3 is based on the movie. It was a good game but there were a few problems with the game. The game was too short and the levels without the boss fights arent fun. One thing that is good about this game i... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
X-Men Legends
x men legends is the most fun game based on a marvel comic book series
x men legends is a great game. In the begining of the story you use wolverine but as you will unlock cyclops, collosus etc. As you level up you can upgrade your abilities and the four player coop is a nice touch to. I h... Read Full Review
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Super Mario 64 DS
even though the controls aren't that good super mario 64 ds is still a very good game.
super mario 64 is a remake of super mario 64 back on the nintendo 64. I was a huge fan of the origanal. It plays like its n64 counter part besides a few gameplay twists. For exampleyou don't start the game as mario you s... Read Full Review
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Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
Unreal championchip is a very addictive game the campaign mode is about thirty hours including the tournements and chalenges. But this game is all about the xbox live. of coruse this is a solid game without the xbox live... Read Full Review
1 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Donkey Konga
this game is awsome!
I am all about trying different kinds of games from ddr to the games on the eyetoy. But this is the most fun I had trying out an original type of game there is alot of variety from the difficulty to the songs. Some songs... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
God of War (Greatest Hits)
god of war is a great game its short so if you are on a budget rent it but if not its a must buy for your ps2
god of war is an action game for the ps2 where you play as this bad@$$ Kratos who is sent by the gods to kill the god of war Ares. There are lots of different looking enimies fun boss fights and crazy moves. Unfortunatly... Read Full Review
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Halo 2
even though halo 2 is a very good game the online play is too repetitive and the campaign is too short
Halo2 is a good game but it wasn't as good as the first one in the singal player mode plus the ending was very bad. A new thing is you get to play as an elite called the arbiter as well as our old friend the master chief... Read Full Review
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BioHazard 4
Only one word to say awsome
Resident evil 4 is a great game. The best in the series. With its hard diffulty and very fun boss fights makes this a hell of a game. the best graphics i ahve seen on the gamecube since resident evil. There are alot o... Read Full Review
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