Well today I got 5 new games so I am going to give out what I think about them althogh I have only played the games for one hour each so my opinion may change from now and when I do reviews for them :)
1st game I gat was "Red Steel"
Well I played this game for awhile and it was realy fun don't listen to GS with that harsh 5.5 reveiw... At the moment I would give it a 8.0 but as I said I havn't been playing long and if what GS said in the review is true the score will go down alot :( .
2nd game I got was "Resident Evil 4"
Wow! first 5 mins with this game was so awesome!!! I will have a review on this one in a few weeks but at the moment the score is at 9.6 and proberly won't change. If you are someone who is a fan of Resident evil or a fan of FPS you must get this game!
3rd game I got was "Professor Layton and the Curious Village"
This was the only DS game I got the rest were Wii but it was a DS game I have been wanting to get for SOOOO long and first impressions say it's a good game so a game I will review soon.
4th game was "World Sprts Party"
Well... What can I say... THIS GAME IS HORRABLE!!! Never get this game it sucks that's all I need to say.
5th and last game is "Top Spin 3"
I didn't play this game for long so I can hardly give a score but I found it pretty hard but everything else was good so I'll say 7.2.
Well that's it. Anyway I was hoping you guys know realy good and interesting games for the Wii or DS that you own or have played and if I like what you say about it I will try to buy the game and give a review on it umm abit like a community profile? :P Yeah I have just been bored lately and I am having fun with games more and more but I would like you guys to request stuff. Anyway l8rs.!
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