GS's tv obviously doesn't support the Full range feature so they should just put it on limited and have their TVs calibrated before doin anothe comparison. won't change the jaggies but would help with the lighting. So in a nutshell this comparison is flawed
if your Tv doesn't support the wide colour space then putting your PS3 settings on full range is only going to make things worst because it sending a signal bigger than the tv can accept, Hence the banding on the Dead Space shots. Most SONYs and Samsungs, high end TVs have that feature. BTW even SONY accepts the fact tht most games will look or have a sligh advantage on th 360 hence the reason their investing so heavily on first party. but they still shoot themselves in the foot with bad adverst or none at all
A must have for me. My PSP go where ever i go and the component attachment makes it a lot sweeter. I don' care the color I'm getting one the day it comes out.
First off i own a PS3 and im proud of it! Some of this i agree with and some i don't. How come i never saw any articles like this when the 360 first came out? wanna know why? because it was the first time we saw something like that, as far as the online and the graphics and the whole Next Gen thing. I say, give Sony a F ing chance. It's obvious they have bigger ambitions that MS does thats why it's going to take them some time. Sony could have took the simple rout like MS did and it would have been all good (no dis credit to MS). I think with with the Big firmware update and those to come. sony will get their online service up to par before implementing their HOME service. Hands down Sony has the better exclusive. I can agree most with Sony making more positive announcements and being less secretive about what their doing.
stinkeyb's comments