Chief Justice William Rehnquist might not return to the bench because he is too weak while he is undergoing treatment for his thyroid cancer. Rumors have it the Justice Thomas or Justice Scalia might be elevated to Chief Justice if Rehnquist resigns, or heaven forbid he passes away. These three men are the conservative core of the Supreme Court, and two of them have dissented on Roe Vs. Wade 1973. Before Rehnquist no other justice had been elevated, they just brought in an outsider to boss around the other justices. If Rehnquist leaves and Thomas or Scalia are elevated, Bush will replace one of the two men with another conservative judge. Then there is speculation that Justice Stevens might step down, he is the most liberal of the group and he is 84 years old. News reports have already said that Justice Ginsburg wants to retire also. What this all amounts to is that a court that had previous ruled 5-4 towards both sides of the political spectrum, is about to become ultraconservative within the next two years. The new Supreme Court could come out swinging with rulings that are 7-2 and this will be a problem for the left. Now all the illegitimate rulings from the 9th circuit in California can be overturned. Most frightening to the left is the possibility that a woman might lose her "right to choose". Yes, I said it. I know any liberal reading this is bursting into tears right now, but I have a feeling by the time 2008 rolls around, Roe Vs. Wade will become a thing of the past. I don't know if all abortions will be banned, but abortions on demand surely will. The US might follow the lead of Portugal and allow abortions for medical reasons only. Personally, I can't wait for that decision to be handed down. What a backlash that will be! I can just see it now as the New York Times prints on the front page in the biggest letters they can find, RELIGIOUS FANATICS HAVE HIJACKED THE COURTS AND THE COUNTRY. It will interesting to see how everything plays out, but I am willing to wager that my predictions are correct.
stlou_lunatic Blog
Shame on the New York Times
by stlou_lunatic on Comments
I can't believe this was printed by contributer Gary Wills:
Can a people that believes more fervently in the Virgin Birth than in evolution still be called an Enlightened nation?...The secular states of modern Europe do not understand the fundamentalism of the American electorate. It is not what they had experienced from this country in the past. In fact, we now resemble those nations less than we do our putative enemies.... They (the rest of the world) fear jihad, no matter whose zeal is being expressed.
Well isn't that nice? Gary is calling all religious people jihadists and crazy fundamentalists. This is equating churchgoers with the 19 hijackers that brought down the Twin Towers, part of the Pentagon, and the airplane in Pennsyvania. I feared that this backlash from the far left would come, but not this soon. Many other columnists across the country have said similar things. Bill Maher had some interesting comments on his HBO show, and they showed his truly liberal side. This trash coming from the far left is uncalled for and tasteless. Had the right done something like this after the election of Clinton, they would have been crucified. If the left has any chance to redeem themselves in the 2008 elections, they better stop some of their members before they really get people like myself and others of the religious right really angry. With this type of behavior they will further polarize this country, and they will inadvertantly strengthen support for the GOP among conservative voters who believe that the fall of morality is the most important issue in America. With millions of Catholics, Evangelicals, Orthodox Jews, etc... rallying behind the president, the left should know better than to rattle the saber against those who will determine the fate of their party come next election season.
Can a people that believes more fervently in the Virgin Birth than in evolution still be called an Enlightened nation?...The secular states of modern Europe do not understand the fundamentalism of the American electorate. It is not what they had experienced from this country in the past. In fact, we now resemble those nations less than we do our putative enemies.... They (the rest of the world) fear jihad, no matter whose zeal is being expressed.
Well isn't that nice? Gary is calling all religious people jihadists and crazy fundamentalists. This is equating churchgoers with the 19 hijackers that brought down the Twin Towers, part of the Pentagon, and the airplane in Pennsyvania. I feared that this backlash from the far left would come, but not this soon. Many other columnists across the country have said similar things. Bill Maher had some interesting comments on his HBO show, and they showed his truly liberal side. This trash coming from the far left is uncalled for and tasteless. Had the right done something like this after the election of Clinton, they would have been crucified. If the left has any chance to redeem themselves in the 2008 elections, they better stop some of their members before they really get people like myself and others of the religious right really angry. With this type of behavior they will further polarize this country, and they will inadvertantly strengthen support for the GOP among conservative voters who believe that the fall of morality is the most important issue in America. With millions of Catholics, Evangelicals, Orthodox Jews, etc... rallying behind the president, the left should know better than to rattle the saber against those who will determine the fate of their party come next election season.
Best RPG of the Decade?
by stlou_lunatic on Comments
KOTOR II will take this years best RPG award, and will be a contender for game of the year. Halo 2 and GTA: Sand Andreas will defeat it in game of the year, but KOTOR II is still gonna be awesome. With over 10 million combinations for the lightsaber (Source: IGN), and new planets to explore, not to mention the fact that your team evolves with you, this game is my top pick for things that I want for Christmas. KOTOR was said to be the best RPG ever when it was made, and now it going to be blown away by its succesor. Maybe KOTOR II won't be the RPG of the decade, but it has a good chance. Then again, with the new generation consoles coming out within the next year or two, we could see something that will make KOTOR look like Atari's original PONG, and there is always the possibility that KOTOR III could be staged on the next-gen XBOX. No matter what happens with the KOTOR series, the next generation consoles are going to revolutionize gaming so anything is possible.
Laura Ingraham
by stlou_lunatic on Comments
Visit her site, she is the smartest woman in the world. You can listen to her radio show also. Go conservatives!!!
Democratic Party needs to lose Hollywood
by stlou_lunatic on Comments
Tuesday determined the fate of our country for the next four years. George W. Bush won the popular vote, and the electoral vote. Many dems are asking, how did this happen? To cover up the real reason, some people in the elite media are saying that Kerry ,"didn't connect with voters", or my personal favorite "the people in this country like Bush better". This is utter nonsense. Kerry did not lose this election because of a popularity contest, he lost the election because he has fallen too far to the left, and he has made the majority of Americans feel alienated.
John Kerry had every advantage going for him, support by the majority of Europeans, attacks by the media on Bush everyday, George Soros gave him 30 million dollars, and the Vote or Die campaign was supposedly mobilizing the youth vote for him, not to mention the cameo appearances of celebrities during his campaign, i.e., Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, and the list goes on. All that and he still lost.
John Kerry lost because he, like many Democrats have lost sight of what America is. America is a conservative nation. In a recent poll, 40% of Americans identify themselves as conservative, but only 20% identify themselves as liberal. Once the DNC can get through its head that the East and West coast elite ideology doesn't go over well with the majority of Americans, will be the day that they can start to reclaim their formerly held positions in Washington. If they do not, the current rend will continue. America will become redder by the day. Post-election results showed that Red (GOP majority) states are gaining a greater Republican majority. And once faithfully Blue states in the industrial Midwest such as Michigan and Wisconsin are beginning to become red.
If the dems have any chance of reclaiming the White House in 2008 they will need to select a candidate that is a moderate in social values. If they don't, then the conservative right will mobilize again and the GOP will rule Washington.
John Kerry had every advantage going for him, support by the majority of Europeans, attacks by the media on Bush everyday, George Soros gave him 30 million dollars, and the Vote or Die campaign was supposedly mobilizing the youth vote for him, not to mention the cameo appearances of celebrities during his campaign, i.e., Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, and the list goes on. All that and he still lost.
John Kerry lost because he, like many Democrats have lost sight of what America is. America is a conservative nation. In a recent poll, 40% of Americans identify themselves as conservative, but only 20% identify themselves as liberal. Once the DNC can get through its head that the East and West coast elite ideology doesn't go over well with the majority of Americans, will be the day that they can start to reclaim their formerly held positions in Washington. If they do not, the current rend will continue. America will become redder by the day. Post-election results showed that Red (GOP majority) states are gaining a greater Republican majority. And once faithfully Blue states in the industrial Midwest such as Michigan and Wisconsin are beginning to become red.
If the dems have any chance of reclaiming the White House in 2008 they will need to select a candidate that is a moderate in social values. If they don't, then the conservative right will mobilize again and the GOP will rule Washington.
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