Tuesday determined the fate of our country for the next four years. George W. Bush won the popular vote, and the electoral vote. Many dems are asking, how did this happen? To cover up the real reason, some people in the elite media are saying that Kerry ,"didn't connect with voters", or my personal favorite "the people in this country like Bush better". This is utter nonsense. Kerry did not lose this election because of a popularity contest, he lost the election because he has fallen too far to the left, and he has made the majority of Americans feel alienated.
John Kerry had every advantage going for him, support by the majority of Europeans, attacks by the media on Bush everyday, George Soros gave him 30 million dollars, and the Vote or Die campaign was supposedly mobilizing the youth vote for him, not to mention the cameo appearances of celebrities during his campaign, i.e., Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, and the list goes on. All that and he still lost.
John Kerry lost because he, like many Democrats have lost sight of what America is. America is a conservative nation. In a recent poll, 40% of Americans identify themselves as conservative, but only 20% identify themselves as liberal. Once the DNC can get through its head that the East and West coast elite ideology doesn't go over well with the majority of Americans, will be the day that they can start to reclaim their formerly held positions in Washington. If they do not, the current rend will continue. America will become redder by the day. Post-election results showed that Red (GOP majority) states are gaining a greater Republican majority. And once faithfully Blue states in the industrial Midwest such as Michigan and Wisconsin are beginning to become red.
If the dems have any chance of reclaiming the White House in 2008 they will need to select a candidate that is a moderate in social values. If they don't, then the conservative right will mobilize again and the GOP will rule Washington.
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