stone_cross' forum posts
My Friends Elite edition just got three red lights so that is now Me My Brother and two other Friend's .
How rubbish is that Microsoft should be made to re call all there machines right back to the ones that first came out!!!
I thought they were supposed to have cured the problem
who cares if they repair them its a CON:evil:
HMMM I think this could be it I am going to try this now .
How about the Friends thing how do you find people you know in the real world on the PSP ?
I will report back if this works
Yea could be but I have tried it with Midnight Club LA Remix , thats a fairly new game:? also tried Tekken.
But I think your probably on the money
I have just got a psp 3000
I am having problems playing my psp on line I can connect to the store so the psp is set up ok . I have been trying to play both Killzone and Midnightclub LA remix .
Every time I try to log on it is saying there is no game available / players. This is all the time I have also tried to host a game that does not work ?
Also can you connect and find your Friends like you can with PS3 / Xbox? to play each other on line.
If any one can help with these matters thanks.
I have also just got 3000 its my first PSP . I really like it but I am having a problem playing any one on-line? every time I look for a game there is no game / players available any reason as to why this is happening.
All the settings look OK / I can connect to the store fine.
Thanks if you can help :?
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