i think both games look pretty dull, but i think both games look really fun. which is more important? gamespot get your head out of your ass, compare crysis and halo if you want to start a flamewar.
LikeHaterade - and the reason is such a huge marketing campaign of massive proportions, which i find AMAZING. for anything I've never seen anything so pushed, Microsoft would make you think if you didnt own this game your heart would stop and your family would die
Roman, No i havnt played a Wii shooter, because I can only imagine how frustrating those would be. Im biased with my PC, a console you say lasts "for years longer", my first gaming PC an alienware.. (i didnt buy) lasted for 6 years, longer than any console, Now I have my own self built PC, $1200 including 22' flat screen monitor, which will last me well into the xbox720 or playstation4. And no its not me, its almost everyone who baught the xbox when it came out, thats why they decided to cut the controller size in half, and then they braught it back huge again for the 360 wtf. But also when buying a PC, its not only games you get, its all the programs you have, non-troublesome internet (NO XBOX LIVE POS). and much more
Paullywog, I got the Xbox, the day it came out with Halo.. I played the system untill it died from age/wear and tear which was a good ways after 360 came out. The controllers are huge, clumsy and obnoxious, yes you can get good with them and I have seen people get good. but in no way can you aim.. thats why the crosshairs on the screen take up a good 5-8% of the screen, so what do they do add Auto Aim. Which is week and why I dont play that anymore. and Lg, seriously when a game has the sustainability of 3 sony consoles and 2 microsoft consoles and is still played by thousands of people everyday, with only graphic improvements, you gotta think if your bashing of CS is really justifiable.
Someguy12, yes i have i've played tons of games for many systems (not too many for ps3 tho, no one i know has one..) Sorry, I consider myself a FPS gamer and FPS=PC, not any console(back off ps3 fanboys, ur controller is just as clumsy and horrible for fps gaming also) console has autoaim.. which is really cheap. I still play cs, a lot of ppl i know play cs, its getting old i can agree with that, thats why i play other games also, bioshock was amazing, of course it wasnt mutiplayer. But dont come on here with the intentions of defending halos graphics compared with other games and then say "it depends how good the game istself is." especially after you tried to say it was better than any of the games i listed earlier.
Someguy12, i can compare it because its mutiplayer is so boring and childish, its no fresh-thought the upgrading the suit will keep it interesting. Play BF series or CS.. or CS.. or CS. CS has the most fresh mutiplayer ever, its been out for 10 years and threw all its upgrades and patches its seriously still the most addicting and most evolving mutiplayer FPS game. also TF2 comes out in a week and apparently its rips it too, deathmatch is just so boring.. and cap the flag isnt much better(dont get me started on how gay the skull stuff is)
Someguy12 "stonermargera: Pah,your just a halo hater! All people who dont like it always say negative things about the game!" Is that all you can say? seriously thats all. I dont hate halo, i hate the fanboy hype, the game is fun its not the best game ever made tho, its not the most innovative, its not the best story, and its mutiplayer reminds me of a hyped up gay doom 3 deathmatch. This fanboy craze has seriously braught the worst of gamespot out and its making me sick.
S0mEGuY12, Dont slam me about opinions when you bash others you hypocrite, you dont need gamespot to side by side comparasions of games look up the pictures urself or do I need to link them two you because you cant do anything on your own? drone.
S0mEGuY12: "No game looks better than Halo 3 right now..." Ok i really need to call you out on that. Seriously im looking at Clive Barkers Jericho.. LOOKS BETTER, Crysis.. LOOKS BETTER, TF2... LOOKS BETTER.. COD4.. LOOKS BETTER...Assassins Creed..LOOKS BETTER...Bioshock.. LOOKS BETTER.. Get of your fanboy wagon and get a brain before your halo zombie antics take you over completly
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