So let me get this straight, GameSpot. Genji: Days of the Blade and its prequel are, according to the review for the new PS3 game, based on The Tale of Genji? Whoever told you this is very, very mistaken. I can tell you this because I have a two-volume English translation of the text sitting on my bookshelf, and nowhere in the story does it feature anything even remotely related to the video game.
The Tale of Genji is an ongoing romantic saga about the life of a man given the name of Genji, a name commonly given to those who did not hold royal claim to the throne despite being related to the line of succession by blood. The book details his many various romances with women of various social standing and was in fact written by Murasaki Shikibu, a courtlady of Heian Japan, and contains little to no acts of physical violence at all.
To suggest that the Genji action game series is somehow related to this old piece of literature strikes me as ludicrous. Granted, it's been a few years since I've last read the text all the way through (the Royale Tyler translation published by Viking), but I'm positive that Sony's action game series has absolutely nothing to do with The Tale of Genji.