I spent the past weekend finishing off my half-finished save in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. I've owned the game since its release last October and had previous made it to chapter seventeen, but I decided to take a break from it and go on to other games for a while. Things got off to a rousing start this past Friday evening when I marched my way through chapter seventeen, which is a ridiculously massive four-part battle.
However, things didn't really hit a high note until Saturday, when I started playing at roughly ten in the morning and didn't stop until I was about to fall over from hunger around dinner time. During that time, I plowed my way through chapters eighteen to twenty-five, and dear sweet lord, did my eyes hurt after that. I took a break until Sunday afternoon, at which point I smashed my way through to the end of the game. My eyes were once again on fire, but it's a good kind of burn. The sort of burn I'd only feel after shutting off my NES after playing Tetris for four hours straight without blinking.
Of course, now I'm feeling like going through the game again, maybe on hard mode this time. I can't let those bonus features like the fix stat growth go to waste. However, if there's one thing I don't agree with in this game, it has to be the way that Intelligent Systems implimented unlocking the bonus characters for the trial maps. Fifteen playthroughs is a hell of a lot of work to unlock the final boss.