1. The ground missions aren't as bad as many people seem to think.
Although the ground missions in Assault have been widely criticized, my experience with the game hasn't been as painful as sites like Penny Arcade or Gamespot's own review have portrayed. The default controls require getting used to, and even if they aren't to a player's liking, they can switch to one of several different set-ups, which can make controlling both Fox and the Landmaster much easier. While they may require more practice than the Arwing missions, they can be just as much shooting fun as their flight-based counterparts.
2. The Arwing missions are solid gold.
Flying in an Arwing is just as simple and fun as it was in Star Fox 64 and nails the feeling of its predecessor perfectly. What else really needs to be said about this?
3. Slippy's voice.
My god, the frog finally went through puberty. His chatter might still be obnoxious, but at least he doesn't sound like someone nailed him between the legs with a baseball bat.
4. The game makes up for Star Fox Adventures without disregarding the previous title entirely.
Star Fox Adventures wasn't that great of a title, and it played more like Legend of Zelda than anything else, but if anything, it was at least somewhat entertaining in its own right, and it did help flesh out the game's universe a bit. The fact that Krystal is now a member of Star Fox and that Sauria is a prominant location in Assault are nice touches that reflect the fact that Adventures won't be relegated to the depths of shoddy gaiden stories like the Resident Evil light-gun games.