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The Art of Downloading Music

Im a chap that loves music, and unless you're a total n00b you do too. Weather it's a theme song from a video game or a newindie rock band, you name it, I'll listen to it. UnfortnatelyI'm also a poor chap who invests his money wisely (ie video games). So when it comes to listening to new stuff Limewire and Bittorrent are the places to go.

Now, you're probably wondering what this "art" I speak of. Well, when you download music you never know what volume the songs will come in when you play it in windows media player. For example, I recently downloaded Dan California- Red Hot Chili Peppers I downloaded two copies,a 4 MB version and a 6.6 MB version. Now you'd think that the 6.6 version would be a higher quality version with a high volume setting right? WRONG, the 6.6 version was crap.

Goes to show that if you want the high quality stuff your going to have to work for it, its not like you're paying for the stuff.