The following blog was inspired by old milwaukee
Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm a good socialist, all liberal and revolutionary, but what I really want out of life is this: A big house that is falling apart, a fat wife, a happy and stupid dog, a big garden, some old friends to drink with, and a daughter or son I can feel proud of/frightened by.
Yeah, I still believe in the american dream. Which is why I'll never be the member of a left wing organization. I found myself talking to some liberal political types last week. Most of them were vegetarians, and I doubt that a single one of them had ever tasted venison. Most of them were wine drinkers too. What is the meat-eating, beer drinking, pro hunting leftist supposed to say to people like that? You want to win the working class vote? Just promise us that you'll bring all the jobs back, somehow. It worked for Romney. I mean, c'mon. My county has an unemploment rate of 12%. We'll believe anyone who promises to bring the jobs back. But try explaing that to someone who has spent their entire working life so far in college. Someone who would turn their nose up at an egg, ham and cheese omelet. Someone who thinks that even the local craft beers are "sub-par". There's just no reaching some people.
I doubt that I'll ever vote republican. I come from a long line of upper midwestern democrats. My ancestors are factory workers, farmers, and teachers; anarchists, socialists, and, god forbid, communists. But lord, oh lord, if liberals don't piss me off sometimes.*
*Was I drunk when I wrote this? Oh, most definitely.