I couldn't make a top 10 games of 2007 to save my life. Most of the games I play are old, or at least fairly not new as I can only afford a game with a 50 dollar price tag maybe once a year. Nevertheless, here are some fun games that I discovered back in wacky old 2007.
Ultima 7: I actually bought this back whenever the hell it came out. The damn game never worked, not once. It wasn't until last october that I finally stumbled upon a working version. Whaddya know, it was actually a good game.
The Longest Journey: I'm a sucker for an adventure game, and I'd long heard that the Longest Journey was a really stellar example of the genre. So when I saw that I could order a copy (direct from the publisher, I believe), I jumped at the chance. A couple of months later, It was available for download on Steam. What the hell, people. Great game, though.
Angbad: Ok, so it's a free rogue-like with almost non-existent graphics. So what? It's also an extremely entertaining and supremely frustrating game. Gaming for masochists, right here.
Portal: Hey, this one actually came out in 2007, didn't it? It's already had praise heaped all over it, so I'll just say that yes, it is fun. And funny. More games need a sense of humor.
Europa Universalis 3: This one might have come out in 2007. I'm not sure. A lot of fun to be had here, though. Any game that allows you to lead almost every country that existed between 1453 and 17-something is all right by me. Dammit, Armenia shall prevail!
That's about it, I suppose. I played a few more games than that in 2007, of course, but I'm too damn lazy to mention them.