@sellingthings: Yeah, I think I was 11-12 at the time, but me and my friend played it all summer, off and on. We'd take turns, one would play for 30 minutes, then switch off. It was probably my favorite game of that generation. I loved my Genesis, but Sonic and Phantasy Star didn't compare to Link to the Past. The power of nostalgia is pretty overwhelming sometimes. Completely off topic but, my poor wallet may be screaming at me after Prime day. I'm eyeing a few games (like Nioh) that I don't have in my collection that are being dropped in about six hours. I've seen some pretty good deals, I just don't need a tablet, or headphones, or anything else really on sale. I'll keep checking though.
@Louis: Get it when its cheap, and just give it a chance. It's not for everyone, but I personally love it. I got the platinum trophy, and with the latest updates, I'm still playing from time to time. It's a great game to throw in and relax and explore. It looks great on PSpro in HDR and I bought my own freight ship! Once again, it's not for everyone, but for a space geek like me it's insanely awesome to seamlessly fly off a planet, through the atmosphere, into space and continue to a space station, or another planet or moon. I bought a second copy for my nephew last year (he kept stealing mine) for about $15, right before Xmas. Get it cheap, and give it a chance. You might love it like I do.
@sellingthings: Oh, I believe you. Zelda for most people, is much more than the sum of its games. Link to the past on SNES is where it started for me. Easily one of the most prolific game franchises, and deservedly so. I'm looking forward to Mario Odyssey later this year too. Have a hard time believing it can top Galaxy 2, but we'll see.
@ultimatepikafan: I never said Horizon should be game of the year, I also didn't say Zelda should not be game of the year. I haven't finished BotW yet, but it is definitely a great game, I was only stating the obvious bias towards the franchise. I honestly don't care what everyone calls game of the year. There have already been so many amazing games this year it's hard to fathom anyone would be disappointed, but opinions and buttholes, what can you do?
@ArabrockermanX: If I seem "salty", you seem fanboyish--whatever that is. I don't care at the end of the day, but in my opinion, it's not a 10/10 and I will say that from time to time. I think if you're honest with yourself, you would understand that any other game (without Zeldas history) wouldn't have gotten the score. Bias does exist, and it's not going anywhere. I'm just stating my opinion. To each, there own though, right?
@t1o9n9y1: I agree about Zelda. I think it's a fantastic game, but it's not a 10/10. There is a definite bias towards this series. Any other game would have lost a point for the frame rate drops and other small graphical imperfections.
@dudebropartyyo: You know, Microsoft messed around with doing something like that. I don't know why it didn't happen (or maybe it did, and didn't last? idk), but they were talking about earning rewards, and prizes for accumulating certain gamer score levels. It's definitely a neat idea--maybe earn 10-25% off coupon codes for PSN, or 3 months free of PSplus, for getting a certain number of trophies during a given period. Incentives are always a compelling idea.
@yukushi: I finish most of the games I start, but a lot of games have silly hidden trophies. I personally don't care about the multiplayer in Uncharted, so I will only ever have like 45% of the trophies, or whatever it is. I've finished Metal Gear Rising at least 10 times, but I refuse to do some of the boring things it demands to get all the trophies. I play to have fun, not go to another job where I have a checklist to accomplish. Don't get me wrong, I have a few friends that are like you, and feel compelled to get 100% completion. It's that drive compelling you that allows you to enjoy yourself while chasing each trophy. I don't have that drive. I just want the story, gameplay, and experience. I don't feel like I need to prove anything to anyone else, but that's just me, and as long as we're all having fun, that's all that matters. Good luck.
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