I think this is cool. NieR was a weird game, with crazy ideas. I think this goes right along with that tone. I know this isn't the norm, but I really don't care about trophies and achievements. If I got something tangible (like store credit), that would be a different story, but I know what I've played and done. I don't care if someone got a platinum trophy or I got a secret trophy. I honestly wish I could turn it off from popping up on screen. I just care about the game. Zelda doesn't have any achievements, I didn't read anyone complaining in those 10/10 reviews. Again, that's just me, I know a lot of people cherish their hard earned trophies.
@Drakillion: You still have to finish the game 3 times. I totally understand the basics of what you mean, but I doubt this will become the norm. I think it's just their crazy idea to do something completely different. The original NieR had some issues, but nobody can call in bland or normal. It constantly changed styles and perspective, which I'm looking forward to in this one. Plus that buttery smooth Platinum action controls setup. I'm really looking forward to Tuesday.
@deakenblack: You mention Donkey Kong 64 deserves to be considered 10/10, but don't think Super Mario Galaxy 2 deserves the 10/10 it got? I disagree. SMG2 is still the best 3D platformer ever made, in my opinion, though they seem to agree.
@joshrmeyer: Sad truth is Nintendo NEEDS third party support to keep gamers content in between their big releases. It's one of the biggest reasons the Wii u failed. If I didn't have the other systems, I would have been passed at Nintendo, with only a couple of games a year on Wii u, while Xbox and PS have hundreds. I agree, it's not all about graphics, but they need parity for developers to give equal effort with multiplatform games. Publishers don't want to spend the money or take a chance on a game that will only sell on one system, unless it has a huge install base. We'll see how much the Switch gets from third parties, and if they'll stick around.
@lordstrategery: I'm giving you cool points because of VF. Now I'm curious. I've done all my playing of VF on PlayStation and arcade. I may have to download it on Xbox now. I'll have to buy a fighting stick (Xbox Dpad is awful in my opinion). I use every character, but Pai is my girl. I'm deadly with her. Hell, she's the reason I bought DOA5--twice. Cool, I may check you guys out.
@mickpunx: I just find it hilarious how often people complain about this gen systems, saying no new IP's, just remakes of old games, but the same people act like Jesus did them a personal favor by allowing us to play Fable on Xbox one. BC is fine, but there are still a bunch of games that are unplayable and the system has been out over three years. It's better than nothing, though I doubt I'll have time for my older games for quite a while just with everything coming out in the next few months (Horizon, Nier, Zelda, Mass Effect, persona, etc.). This gen has been amazing.
Ok, I've got a question for you guys. I've been told if I sell my Wii U (Zelda system with wind waker digital), the next owner could download and play WW HD because the game is tied to the system, not my personal account. Is that true, and does the new Nintendo account setup change this? I've contemplated selling my system (doubt I'll do it), just curious if the game will be lost.
@deathwish026: Cool, thanks. I've been meaning to play it for a while, but another game always comes along. I got the telltale series for a $1.50, and it has some of the returning characters (handsome Jack)--it's actually pretty fun, if you've never played it. The vita version is just hard to play because of the tiny buttons and analog sticks (at least hard for my jacked up hands). Thanks.
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