@sealionact: easily triggered, check. Full of Shit, check. You're playing the fanboy games, yet tell me to "grow up". Who's really the childish one here? Also, no, I'm not nitpicking (or being pedantic), when you say it does something better, yet only a VERY small percentage (you know damn well I'm only speaking of the Xbox 1 system) of that install base has access to a said feature, you are delivering misinformation, period, little boy.
He's absolutely right. Great games are good for everyone, regardless of the system they release on. Think about this. Zelda BotW will more than likely be fantastic. It's doing things on a scale Zelda games have never done, with crafting and overall world size. Some of these components are definitely inspired by other great games (Witcher, Skyrim, etc). It's easy to surmise, the developers of those games grew up playing and enjoying the Zelda series to some extent. There it is, a game inspired by games, which were inspired by earlier games from the same series. It's a beautiful cycle.
Not bad Microsoft. Never got to try Borderlands 2 (even though I have it on vita) or Evolve. I can at least download them and try when I get a chance. Too many games in March to play now though. Way too many games coming.
@sealionact: I have both Xbox 1s and ps pro, so I don't give a s#!t about most of everyone's argument, but I have to call BS on the UHD bluray stuff. Only a small percentage of Xbox owners have a 1s, so it's silly to say Xbox does this better. That's like saying Final fantasy 15 is in 4k on ps4. It is on the pro system, but once again, only a small percentage of people have that system compared to the rest of the user base. Even though you specifically mention Xbox 1s in this post, you did not in your original. Just be honest, you're a fanboy. Also, yes, pretty much everything you're saying is opinion.
@freeryu: guess it depends on the individual gamer. They're one of my absolute favorite developers in the biz, but most of my close friends would disagree. Oh, well.
@Mogan: I understand what you're saying, but I disagree with embargoes controlling quality. That's like saying if Pizza Hut started cooking there pizzas in one minute, they'd get all the business, even if that pizza was an obviously undercooked pile of Shit. People aren't stupid (well, most...err, maybe some, anyway), we'll recognize the crap reviews, and the quality ones. Most of the crap ones go away over time.
@casshan01: There were a Shit ton of exclusives for ps3. The 360 and ps3 sold almost the exact same number of systems (about 84 million units). The 360 became the popular system in America because of Xbox live and FPS games. I'm not complaining, I loved my 360 (except for the 4 Red Rings of Death). People forget the PlayStation brand is more popular in Central/South America, Europe, and Asia. That filled the sales hole from the American market. The Scorpio will be nice, but your a fool if you think that's going to get Xbox sales anywhere near the ps4 numbers. Every other system (except for Dreamcast) was more powerful than the ps2, but it sold 150 million units. That's more than the Dreamcast, Xbox, and Gamecube, combined, times 2. It's about the games, not the graphics. Graphics are nice though, but not everything.
@death_burnout: they're damn near giving them away. They dropped the price to $250, and I saw something with a coupon (or maybe just a store sale), and it was under $220. Most definitely worth picking up, and most older games are dirt cheap now. I have over one hundred games on ps4. Just buy one, thank everyone later.
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