@asnakeneverdies: From the guy that couldn't even keep up with what he previously wrote. What university do you preach for. I mean, considering your never wrong, because you create definitions to fit the synonyms you think sound cool from that thesaurus you got for Christmas last year. Wakka wakka sucka!!
@xxevery9seconds87xx: Considering the lead PS4 has over Xbox1, Microsoft NEEDS to worry about selling the Scorpio to as many customers as possible. They've also been clear in stating the Scorpio wouldn't be out of the price range of previous systems. $500-600 tops. Anything else will be brand suicide and they already tried that at the beginning of this generation.
@Flyin3lvl: Well, considering Microsoft forced people to spend $100 on the, dead on arrival, Kinect at launch, it's easy to understand why people felt that way. The PS4 was cheaper, and more powerful. Of course there would be backlash on Microsoft.
@investor9872: Excuse me sir, I've just realised your the most intelligent man on Earth and wish to pay you 1 billion dollars to run my company. With your know how and can do spirit, people will finally know the name, Blockbuster Video.
@monson21502: Are you still sad you couldn't get the NES classic? Wishing you could play some Balloon Fight? It's ok, everyone will be done with your "fat ugly sister"...oh wait, that was you? Whatever.
@asnakeneverdies: It's painfully obvious, English isn't your first language, considering you make up definitions to words you aren't comprehending in the first place. Yes, you can base opinions on facts, that's how human thought works. You observe the environment around you and assume a possible conclusion based on the information available. That doesn't make the outcome fact. I know what pizza tastes like, that is a fact, but I've never tasted pizza topped with peanut butter. I have tasted both before, but never both together. My assumption of how that will taste may be close, but it is still not fact.
You seem to be lost in your thoughts and even forget actual facts. You said "so I bring Nintendo into the discussion to use as an example",but you didn't bring Nintendo into the conversation, I did, when I spoke about the PS2, Xbox, and GameCube, as an example of power vs unit sales.
I will concede this, most conversations do not move in a straight line, only intelligent ones. Sadly, I'm the only one interested in intelligent conversation, free of pointless, silly assumptions, considered fact through the thin veil of baseless information. Seriously, you can't even keep up with your previous comments. How am I supposed to take your opinions seriously when you call them facts and forget what you've previously written (even though it's still printed above). Go ahead, tell me how everything you've written is not your opinion because it's based on something you think and your thoughts are real so you must be John Connor and the Terminator is going to save you because you lead the rebellion in the future. Xbox is great because you think so and the PlayStation pro is crap because you think so. Yeah, your 100% right, that's fact not opinion. Your a mental ninja.
@asnakeneverdies: Just so you know, I'm not mad at you. This has been fun. I do think you have a hard time staying on point. Conversations should move in a straight line. Outside subject matter should be used for reasons of example, not a branch into another topic when the first has failed. Your asking for evidence to a case that doesn't exist. The Scorpio will be more powerful than the Pro. A powerful PC is more powerful now than the Scorpio will be in about a year. That's obvious, anything else would be circumstantial, but I'm sure you have reason to believe it's not and your opinion, is in fact, fact. Sorry, it's not.
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