@Sepewrath: That's a strange way to think about game development. Most games are made running at a higher fidelity, then scaled down for a console. Most new games will probably use the pro in some respect. Also, there is money to be made by updating for pro. People will buy games specifically to take advantage of their purchase. Shadow of Moridor is 3 years old and people are buying it for the first time, just to see the graphical differences. It's not super expensive for developers and adds longevity to older titles.
@sellingthings: I love the kid, but I have WAY too many games that I purchased digital instead of physical (probably 75% of my games are digital). I'd lose too much. Besides, I still use the account on ps3 and vita (and ps pro Thursday). Because of his age, I did have to create his account as a sub account under mine. I never realized you had to do that if your under 18. Anyway, I gave him a few games and bought him FIFA 17 (we're all originally UK and actually like soccer/football haha), he'll have to do the rest.
@Daveof89: Yeah, he's joking. He meant to put a decimal point in there, somewhere. The pro is a great deal, for what it is, but for $2000, wow, I could make a killer PC.
@RhythmAndBlues: I'm getting the pro Thursday, but I agree with you 100%. I think as newer games are released, we will get an option (like Tomb Raider), to decide how you want to use the hardware. Frame rate, increase resolution, etc. Developers are going to design games, first and foremost, for the standard model (that's where the install base is), but similar to a PC game, have levels that can take advantage of the extra power. It's a good idea to wait and see, I'm getting it because I technically don't have one now. I gave my nephew my original for his 11th birthday a few weeks ago. If I didn't have an excuse I'd probably be thinking to put the money towards the Switch.
Well, as a King Astronaut Doctor, I like to command my subjects to make grilled cheese sandwiches for me. It's a complete rip off to pay for bread with crust on it when it's just going to be cut off and thrown at commoners. Ewwwww, crust.
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