Okay, so a new study shows that depressed women have up to 3 times more sex than mentally healthy women! Can that be true?? If so, I think this article depressed me!
This story truly got me thinking on the subject. And I came to realize that it just might be true! I have an ex-friend, we shall call her Jenny. She was (well, I suppose she still is) a wacko. But, she always seemed to have a long line of hotties waiting to keep her warm at night. I think she is a casebook example of manic depressive, and it seems to me that guys were attracted to that!
Now, don't get me wrong. I enjoy good mental health, and I have not been completely ignored by the male gender in my time. But it does seem to prove the old adage that if you treat a man badly, he will only want you more. LOL
Do nice (mentally healthy) girls always finish last? Please tell me stories about the crazy women (or men) that you have known, and let me know if you agree with this article.
In the meantime I am going to look for a good therapist in the Yellow Pages...