stu11 / Member

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Xbox Live Dead?

I have been playing on xbl now for about 3 years now. There as been the occaional laggy days and what not. But over this holiday season it has been at it's all time worst. I have been trying to play Call of Duty 4 online and it has been horrible. Not being able to connect to a game, connection interupted, even lagging. Well thats all my complaining. I hate trying to read the boards of Charlie Delta Oscar with everyone complaining about it. We know that Microsoft will be working on it and it will eventually be fix. I can not believe people are actually suing. Go outside and see the sunshine and breathe fresh air, you don't have to sit in your room all day with the shades down.

But on a lighter note. I am happy to now become active in the Gamespot community. :D