I am taking a look at the different maps you can battle on in Bad Company. Some give a very easy advantage to the defenders, some to the attackers.
Valley Run - this is my favorite map on Bad Company. For the most part this map is equal with very little favortism to either side. However if the defenders do a good job defending their first base against the attackers, this can quickly turn into a blood bath. If I was to choose what side to fight for, I would pick defenders on this map, even though the advantage is not big.
Oasis - this map gives a huge advantage to the attackers. After the first base is captured, generally the attackers roll right through the rest of the map. The attackers get as many vehicles as they desire.
Harvest Day - this map gives an advantage to the defenders. The attackers have to go through small villages, with plenty of prime sniping spots for the defenders. However if the attackers use their tanks wisley and they find the apporpiate spots to flush out snipers the attackers will have a good shot at wining.
Ascension - another map that gives a big advantage to the defenders. The attackers have to work their way up a hill under constant fire. The defenders have multiple sniping spots where they can prevent any massive surge from starting.
Over and Out - This one is split. Even though the attackers have to work their way up hill for most of the level, there are not very many good vantage points for the defenders to attack from.
Deconstruction - another level that gives the defenders a very big advantage. And once again it is because the attackers have to work their way up hill and the defenders have plenty of sniping spots. Are you seeing a trend?
Final Igniation - a huge advantage to the attackers. There isn't a lot of cover for the defenders and the attackers have lots of vehicles.
End of the Line - equal, nobody plays this level as it is the worst.
Tips for Attackers - Even though on most of the levels the odds are stacked against you, you always have a shot at wining. The big key is gaining momentum as soon as possible. You can not get stuck on the defender's first base. Find out where the defender's snipers are at and elimnate them.
Tips for Defenders - Try to clog up the attackers at the first base. If you can bloody them badly enough there, they will not have sufficent reenforcements to mount another succesful attack. Also learn your sniping locations. Defense wins by snipers in the right locations. And finally do not be afraid to punch the attackers in the mouth. Do not give them time to think. Attack their base as soon as the game starts. If you can suppress them they will never be able to touch your base.
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