they are good!!!
styx56 Blog
add on's and downloads
by styx56 on Comments
So annoyed!
by styx56 on Comments
Ok this will be kinda more of a rant than a blog post but here it goes.
Now there are many people on the interner and real life who do nothing but say this one annoying phrase to everyone " GET A LIFE". aka: be like me or you suck. It's more annoying when you know the person thats saying that to another person. Doesn't know crap about that person. So if your not that person themselfs. You don't live their life, so how can you even say something like that. Ok so here is my question what is a life anyways? WTF is a life?!?! Can anyone tell me? *silence*....yeah wanna know why I said that? BECAUSE SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE SO MANY IDEAS ON WHAT A LIFE IS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Most would say oh it's getting a job and making money and getting kids. Some would say that well that kind of life is boring and sucks and that person would say get a life to them. While others say thats not a life to any of those, some think that a life is simply being alive. Some think a life is making music or art. While others think having a life is all about fun and games. Heck some people think reaching very odd objectives in life is having a life, like for example eating 50 hot dogs in one sitting. So are you confused yet? My thoughts are you are probably thinking pretty hard about this even as I ask this question. Especially the people who say the stupid and annoying phrase full of nothing but personal opinions. Rant over.
Christmas list
by styx56 on Comments
I looked all around my house and found these things for so far! I'm so evil. lol
2. Motion city soundtracks cd "even if it kills me"
3. Buddah lounge series 4 (you may also listen to music samples from the cd in this link)
4. buddah lounge series 2 (sorry no preview avalible )
5. paul Oakenfold greatest hits
6. orcs and elves (for nintendo DS)
7. Dementium :the ward (for nintendo DS)
8. and lastly picross DS (for nintendo DS)
other stuff
9. gift cards and money
10. of course things I don't about from my other family members.
Great Success!
by styx56 on Comments
First scary DS game?
by styx56 on Comments
It's that time again
by styx56 on Comments
Who missed me?!
by styx56 on Comments
ddr supernova 2 track listing
by styx56 on Comments
ddr supernova 2 track lists (for US ps2 and US arcade versions) are located on this web site take a look.
Leave some comments on the song list if you want. I think it's looking pretty good.
UPDATE: ok ignore this because it was only a partial song list my mistake. But hey you ge a idea of what alot of the songs will be.
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