sublimeboy245's forum posts
I can't believe that On The Spot is going to go on air tomorrow and we will still be waiting for our beta keys.
Epic fail Gamespot. EPIC. FAIL.
we should all just spam they're questions and comments with "WHERE THE FUK ARE OUR KEYS!!!!?" then they can have the traffic they wanted.
in the meantime, i just got Resistance 1 in the mail today, im curious to see what all the fuss is about over this game, the demo never got goes.
oh yeah and for the PM messgae to sackboy? what do we put in the subject line...or should we just double up and put the answer in subject as well as body?
What's the *official* info here on Gamespot today? Last message I left I said "Gamespot officially don't have keys, they just sent the winnesrs to Sony" and another mod replied "Who said we didn't have keys?" Well, one of your other mods said it.. she said she worked all weekened long to sort through the keys and pick the winners then said yall don't have keys.
I stayed of here all last night just cause I got tired all reading the same thing over n over and woke up thinking 100% Gamespot/Sony? would have our keys out. What's going on as of today?
nothing, maybe we should try to verifty who actually has the keys. mite ease our suffering a bit...maybe?
off topic does anybody know if reistance 2 beta started??rammaj
yah i idk whats up with that, the Qore says its supposed to come out at the end of september......its October 1st....still not downloadable. wtf!? qore. why does it seem like the gaming business has turned so shady these days.
i pray to God this happens today (Wednesday), tomorrow it will have been a week, which is absolutely rediculas. Unless since the mishap with the keys not even really existing comes into play and none of us get anything because of it, wouldnt that then be considered false advertising???? with video to prove it (last thursdays on the spot video)
lawsuit anyone?
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