ok i just connected my usb and looked folder and there is no movie or video folder so i created new movie folder and put movie into the folder. but when igo back to my psp, there was no movies. so how should i put my movies to psp?do i need to create the folder's in different way? or what?need help please!
ok i just got my psp slim star wars pack at gamestop. ibegan toplay first episode of star wars campaign. and suddenly my psp's screen turns green and the game stops... so i turned off mypsp and started again and it works fine now.. but i'm worried aboutmynew psp cause i just got the new oneand it caused my game stoped suddenly. and i was freaked out that time. so is there any problems or my psp? or is it fine? and anyone has some kind of brown tape thingies inside the umd space?
does target replace you new one and has warranties?
out of those places probly target, I would get it at wal-mart though, they let people take stuff back without receipts up to 3 times a year so theres really no way to mess up with wal-mart7CloudStrife7
if you like fighting game buy tekken dark restruction cause it is really good game. and gta vice citytones of mission, and lumines for puzzle, dark mirror for shooting game
where's the best place to buy psp slim pack?because i am thinking about getting it?where should i gobeteewn these places?bestbuy,gamestop,target,or circuit city? where's thebestplace? do these places give you any warranties? please i need help!
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