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Wow. Well done Epic. This new update is brilliant and I just dowloaded it this morning. It is exactly what Gears fans asked for. You can get many more kills with the new respawn system and in my opinion the game flows more and is much more addictive. However, it looks like many glitches have been missed. I've already seen people weapon sliding and I've already fallen into the world twice on the Fuel Depot map. These are two small problems in what has been a great update. Keep up the good work Epic.

Not another console...

So just days after the launch of the Playstation 3, microsoft confirm that the Xbox 360 elite package will be launched. First of all, I don't plan to buy this console. I received my 360 for Xmas and I think it is awesome. I see no reason to change it. Theres plenty of hard drive space (and i do download videos) and I don't really need the HDMI port. The only thing I would want is the cool black casing. I'm sure people will buy this new console, but at this price which is basically the same as the PS3, is it really going to convince people to get a 360 over a PS3. I personally think that without the HD DVD built in, sony fans will just use this as an excuse to get a PS3 and in the end it could work against Microsoft.

Desperate Sony???


First of all I want to say that I do not want to sound like a fanboy...

So, the PS3 has finally launched in the UK. I hear that the people that queued up for the midnight release got free LCD HDTV's. Is this Sony rewarding the loyalty of its customers or are they trying to get its console some publicity? To be honest, I don't really care because I am completely happy with one console, but I reckon its a mixture of the two. Firstly because you have to be quite loyal to buy it on launch day at its price, but also because of the bad press its been getting lately they have tried to make something out of it. Finally, its good to hear that nobody got attacked for a console. 

Guitar hero 2

This game is going to be awesome when it comes out on Xbox 360 and i can't wait. I guess most people will say that it is similar to the PS2 version, but with the exclusive songs and the extra content download. Its going to rule. Also, the X-plorer guitar looks cool.

Gamerscore Reward for 360

Finally Microsoft has realised that the gamerscore should be used for something more than bragging rights. I think it was a very good move as we get prizes for playing games and they will get more game sales. Its just a shame it isn't coming to the UK yet. But its just as well because my gamerscore is way too low at the moment. 

Xbox 360 accessories and consoles!

Hi, just before Xmas one of my friends completed one of these free Xbox 360 schemes and he actually received his console. After his success I decided to give it a try. Apparently you just have to sign up to the DVD rental website and cancel it straight away. So I've been told. After that you get some friends to do it and you get your stuff. The good thing about this website is that you can get some good accessories for only 2 referrals which is good and some people might be interested in if they already have a 360. If you want to give it a try go to:
I know most people think that this probably doesn't work, but I'm pretty sure it does as I've seen the end product :D.

Definately a next-gen console

I got my 360 for Xmas and it has been great! As soon as you turn it on for the first time it forces you to go online and it is soooo easy to set up. The dashboard is easy to work and this is one of the main things that has evolved from the prevoius generation consoles. Also, there are some great games starting to come out on the 360 such as GoW that are just a cut above the rest. Most people will probably disagree with all I have written here, but I am just so impressed with this console.

Yesss! nearly Xmas!

Yes! Its been a long time coming but Xmas is almost here again. I hope to be getting an Xbox 360, a few games for it and hopefully what I need to go online. I can't wait :D. My brother has asked for a Nintendo Wii and that was preordered in mid November, but it is looking very unlikely that it will be here in time for Xmas. It sucks for him and for me a little bit because I was looking forward to trying it out. Oh well I will just have to go and play on my friends Wii (Sam!), but I will have my 360 so I certainly won't be disappointed this year. :D

Turkey Time!

Woot! I've just got the thanksgiving  emblem from gamespot! I think I have 8 emblems now. They will have to give us lots more space if we get a new emblem every big holiday, but I hope its not a temporary one like some people are saying.

Games for free!

This new electronic shop called Complete Entertainment Exchange opened recently in my home town of Sheffield and I thought I would see how much I would get for trading some games in. I took 3 old GBA games and 2 old GC games which I never play any more and they offered me £47.00 in shop credit. That was much more then I expected so I bit their hand off. With the credit I bought Burnout 3 for Xbox, LMA manager 2006 for Xbox and Resi 4 for GC and I had £1 credit left over! :D I left the store a very happy guy and will definately be using it again!
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