sufian2 / Member

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Plans for Summer 06

This summer is lookin sweet i have no work and no summer courses at uni so i plan on playing a bunch of games and watching stuff with all this free time.  I just got an xbox 360 and new super mario bros as well as super princess peach so at this point life is lookin good but, my biggest problem is i dont know where to start i mean i have around 30 games to play and about 150 hours of tv series to watch as well, all in about 4.5 month.  I also plan on traveling to Canada to visit familly and buy more stuff, GO on a trip with friends to Aya Napa in cyprus, And last to the emirates to see a cousin.  Overall ill be away for a month so techniclly i have 3.5 month. 

Anyway here is the list of games, tv series and books that i plan on reading so where should i start.  So tell me is this feat insourmountable or can i conqur it, i certainly have my doubts and the games, movies, tv seies in bold have been completed previouslly and could be skipped in sacrifice to finsh the greater goal.   

Video Games

Star Fox(snes), Star Fox Assault(GC), Ocarina Of time(N64), Majora's Mask(N64), Metroid Prime(GC), Metroid Prime Echoes(GC), New Super Mario Bros.(DS), Super Princess Peach(DS), Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga(GBA), METAL Gear(PS2), Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake(PS2), Kindom Hearts(PS2), Man Hunt(PS2), Star Wars Knight of The Old Republic: The Sith Lords(XBOX), Call Of Duty 2(360), Kameo Elements of Power(260), PGR3(360), Ghost Reckon Advanced Warfighter(360), Perfect Dark(N64), Perfect Dark Zero(360), Dead or Alive 4(360), Golden Sun: The Lost Age(GBA).

TV Series / Movies

Seinfels Season 1-6, Simpsons seasons 1-7, 24 Season 1-4, Nip Tuck Season 3, Smallvile Season 5, That 70's Show Season 4, Arrested Development seasons 1 and 2, The Office Season 1 (British), Lois And Cllark Season 1-3, Entire Star Wars Saga, Entire Lord of The Rings (extended Edition), MI3, V for Vandetta, Xmen United, Super Man Returns and entire Anthology. Ps For Simpsons and Seinfeld i will be selecting my favorite episodes only and not watching them all.


Star Wars Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader it basiclly explains what happens between episode 3 and episode 4 explaing how one led exactlly lead to the other and what exactlly happened to the Jedi Empire and how the rebellion was built. I also plan or reading te Lord Of the Rings Trilogy for the first time so that should be fun any perticula good versions anyone recomends