Hey everyone! Boy, do I have a lot to say, but I promise to make each bit as short as I can, though I can't garuntee it! :P
So, I'll shuffle from good news to bad news, sooo...
- I didn't see my ex-boyfriend in school today, which made my manic Monday a little bit better. Not that I wanted to avoid him, I just didn't want to deal with any potential drama today. :roll:
-THE PATS LOST! NOOOOO! :cry: I've never been into sports too much, but living in a town that's dedicated to the Pats and being caught up in all the hype AND seeing the 6-point touchdown made by the Giants in the last fews minutes of the last quarter AND knowing that we'd never have the 19-0 streak, well, I couldn't help but be a bit upset...
I'm a Regal Beagle! Yeah, that's right, I'm LEVEL 13!!! Which is weird, considering I was a level 12 at 68 percent yesterday, but I heard that changing your icon over and over made you level up faster... I guess that's true! I'll be at level 14 really soon! :D
My best friend at my school is transferring out next year to a charter school 45 minutes away from the school! :( I'm so upset, but on the up-side, she's not moving, so we'll still be in constant contact and she promised to hang out with me every weekend (if possible)! So, all and all, I'm just bummed out that I won't see her everyday...
Another TV.com update: I now have more than 100 friends! I'm so happy that I have all the friends I do, and am so grateful :) Keeping up with everybody's blogs is going to be a bit of a problem now... Thanks to anyone who tracked me/ tracked me back! ^_^
It's been almost a month since my computer broke down and I still don't have ITunes yet! I don't have a 'disc' to install it like everyone keeps saying, and I only have 200 songs, and they're all getting kinda boring...
One of my really good friends from California is going to college in New York next year and we'll be able to see each other by the end of this year! Last time we saw each other was last summer, and I really miss him, plus by this summer I'll be able to drive to NY if I wanted to. I can't wait to see him, he always makes me smile ^_^
This is really serious news, my good friend's boyfriend, Justin's mother passed away in her sleep over the weekend after she lost a long fight with cancer. Apparently, the death was expected, but it's still a sad time for him and his family nonetheless. I only wish you all to keep them in your hearts and prayers during this hard time.
Thanks everyone, so sorry for the longness... See ya later!