Alright, well, after taking some time to think about it, I don't hate him, I can't, I'm not the kind of person to hate someone for more than a day (unfortunately...) but I know that I can never be friends with him again after all of this. Oddly enough, the next day, after my friends at school yelled at him and gave him a piece of their minds (I love my friends :D ), he took off what he wrote about me with my name for everyone to see on myspace, and wrote this whole huge apology using my name for everyone to see on myspace.
Since it's wicked long, I won't copy-paste it. In sum, he talks about feeling so bad that he wants to jump in front of a car (a bit melodramatic, then again, this whole thing was), and apologizes over and over. There were some really weird parts to his apology, like, "only after her friends made my life hell all day at school did I realize what a big mistake i made". ...After my friends told him??? What about me? He really had to wait until my friends said something to realize it was wrong?
And, of course, the part when he blames my friend, Jared, who told me about what my ex first wrote, for showing me in the first place, "To the person who showed Tory or told her about what I wrote, you should be ashamed of yourself. because you caused her just as much pain as I did." ... Is it a bit weird that he wrote that? Honestly, I would've wanted to know and take the pain more than not know and go on unaware that he was writing such horrible things about me. Besides, my friend didn't write it, in fact, I'm more than grateful that he showed it to me... so why should he be ashamed?
All and all, I think it's much better that we go our separate ways, and not be friends. It's for the best, besides, I definitely don't want to go through all of this again.
I really have to thank all of you on this site. Your words made me so happy (some made me laugh :lol: ), you have no idea how much your kind words, or you allyourselves, mean to me. Ican't thank you enough forbeing there for me... oh, and all the hugs!
THANKS, YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Hugs you all tight* :oops:
Sorry, this is so long, I'll be posting again today, hopefully a shorter blog. Thanks for reading!