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I'm leaving...

But not by choice! I went downstairs 10 minutes ago and the harddrive of my computer starting smoking! Now the whole thing's fried :cry: I just got DSL for that computer for X-mas and now it's broken... what a drag ( :lol: )

I'm typing this from my dad's dial-up, office computer, so I won't be able to go online for a little while, 'cause obviously, he needs it for work. I'm sorry if I scared anyone with the blog title, I didn't mean to! I'm not leaving the site, not by my own free will anyway. I won't have internet access for about... the whole 3-day vacation! :( This really isn't my day...

Anyways, I'm not going to leave you empty-handed. I have some wonderfully wonderful videos from my personal Youtube favorites on my account, so I will share some of my favorite Naruto and FullMetal Alchemist AMVs with you! ^_^ Here they are:

FullMetal Alchemist:

(OMG, this one's hellarious!)

And Naruto:

(My_Shikamaru, you'll love this one!)

And the return of Rubix89 as RubixLCU!

And the BEST Naruto vidEVER MADE:

Enjoy ^_^

IMPORTANT: If anyone has an I-Pod I really need your help! My I-tunes library was on the Harddrive that died, is there a way to put it on another comuter, or can it only be on one specific computer?

*sigh* well, I guess I'll see you all around... I can't promise when I'll be back, unfortunately, but, for the time being, the longest I can stay on the computer is about an hour, and this is my hour...

I'll miss you all so much! *hugs* :oops:

Oh, and please sign the petition if you haven't already (the link is a couple of blogs down) Thanks!
