Hello! I'm going to make this short, I promise!
I'm so sorry about dumping my personal problems all over my profile. It was completely unnecessay and not like me at all...I'm just going through so much, and I needed to vent it all out.
And yes, this is the only way I thought of doing so.
I won't delete any of my personal blogs, though, I don't really see the point. I'd rather keep them up, for me, it's like an online diary that others can comment on... though I won't be treating my blog entries like diary pages for a while... unless something happens, though hopefully it won't.
Anyways, I wanted to thank all of my friends here for being here for me, and the ones who commented left so many nice comments.
I really hope none of you think I'm becoming too...dramatic, I don't want that to be the case at all.
But I won't be on TV.com much, I've got a 5-page history essay on the California Gold Rush to do, and that's going to take all weekend - and I've got a singing audition on Saturday, so I've got a lot to keep me busy!
I'm in a very good state of mind currently and I'll be around to leave blog comments here and there, but I'd prefer that none of the things I wrote about my personal life in the past be brought up in comment form again.
Thanks for reading, everyone! *hugs*
Oh! And I'm a level 14 now! How cool is that? 8)