Buddy's birthday !
by sugreev2001 on Comments
Buddy celebrated his birthday today.Buddy's my cocker spaniel and I bought him on this day 3 years ago.He's pretty spoilt and I can't imagine my Home being without him there.He my second dog.I had a Black Labrador earlier,Simba,I was extremely close to him but he died suddenly in 2002 coz of some lung infection.I became pretty depressed for a month after he died,and I'm still not totally over him.In any case,today's a happy day for Buddy.He's considered a family member by all of us.He's the only dog I've seen who diets after a long binge.Whenever I have a party at my place,he binges on everything...snacks,cakes...you name it and he eats it.I've even seen him eat chili without flinching.After the party gets over,he dosen't eat anyhting for a day.